Happy Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving from cold and windy Eau Claire, Wisconsin where the 20 Prospect clan is snug and warm inside the rectory of my Brother in Law the Father. Well, not the Brother in Law with kids, even though technically he’s a Father too. I mean the Father who is my wife’s brother. Not her Dad. This isn’t Kentucky.

Shit, I’m confused myself. Who opened the wine before dinner?

No, not the sacramental wine. That’s Jameson. I mean the red wine.

Oh forget it and pass the Jameson already…

7 thoughts on “Happy Turkey Day

  1. You have a brother-in-law who is a Father?

    And I am sitting here whining about a BIL who’s a vegetarian… LOL. 😉

    Happy Thanksgiving! (technically not too late)

    Happy Black Friday!!! May you elbow out the others who are trying to get the same deals you want!

  2. Daring one, you are. Throwing in a Kentucky in-bred joke knowing I read your posts. Just because my mother’s brother married my fathers sister doesn’t mean my double cousins and I ever kissed. Decipher that, Mr Jameson. Funny thing is, most people around here just stare and assume there really is some inbreeding involved in that scenario. It all just sounds too complicated to breakdown for the brilliant minds of my surroundings. Le’sigh.

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